Phone numbers

Since we are back in Sweden again the numbers to get in touch with us are the ones on the first page/about us.

As last thing before heading back to Piteå we stopped at the Finnish IWS special, 576 pictures taken so now I ”just” have to pic the ones that should be out in public and also try to find out who is who…

The rain was pouring most of the time and I didn’t want to damage the camera with to much water so unfortunately I wasn’t able to take head pictures.

The whole family have had a wonderful vacation but I must say it’s lovely to be backe home again! Own beds, this goes for both two- and fourlegged ones, and own space.

Next thing on the schedule is, except working, Nemis puppies! In a couple of days we start the countdown.

Our beautiful dogs

Just a few more days on vacation, then it’s back to work for me while Janne stays home with daughter and dogs.

Here are pictures of the dogs on on of the last days out in the archipelago, hope you also likes Nemis lovely belly!



I just got a SMS that told me that Crazy Cowboy’s Russian Roulette who I have mated Nemi with got his FINCH (Finnish Show Champion) title today!



A 3 hour walk, Icecream and a sunny spring day. I think Ruska have liked her birthday so far, even though she wasn’t allowed to swim in the river.


Nemi was also happy to have some icecream…


We took some pictures trying to show off the growing belly, hope it’s puppies and not just food 🙂


And this is what she usually looks like;


Happy birthday Ruska!

It’s Ruskas 7th birthday today, she will celebrate it with something extra special to eat and a long walk in the sunny, warm weather. Maybe she even can find some water to play in…


The belly

I think we will have puppies in our house in the end of May! Nemi don’t usually look like this, and she is wider over the back aswell.

4 weeks and 2 days since first mating

4 weeks and 2 days since first mating

The dogs enjoys life at our cabin, Ruska spends most of her time outside with her ball(s) playing. Nemi on the other hand prefers to be with us, so if we are outside she plays there and if we are inside she sleeps on the chair..



We have vacation for some weeks now and won’t be on our regular phone numbers, so if you want to get in tuch with us the number is;

Susanne +358 404453828
Janne +358 440150019

Hopfully Nemi can enjoy warmer weather with lots of sun and Ruska would like to swim in the ocean…