Today we had the big yearly international dog show here in our hometown, super weather like always and on top of that some super results!
The breed judge was Svein Bjarne Helgesen from Norway and he gave our home bred Jocose Captain Obvious "Otto" CAC and CACIB in male class and then SE U(u)CH SW-19 Foulby Chip Off the Old Block "Splinter" gained a CACIB. In Best of breed Splinter was placed as BOB and Otto got the green and white BOS rosette. Congrats to owner Caroline and thank you for showing him!
In the main ring Splinter was picked as one of six dogs in her group but no group placement this time.
SE U(u)CH SW-19 Foulby Chip Off the Old Block "Splinter" - CACIB, BOB
Jocose Captain Obvious "Otto" - CAC, CACIB, BOS
Idag var det dags för den stora årliga internationella hundutställningen här i vår hemstad, superväder som alltid och på det superresultat!
Rasdomaren var Svein Bjarne Helgesen från Norge och han gav vår egenuppfödda Jocose Captain Obvious " Otto" Cert och CACIB i hanklassen och sedan fick SE U(u)CH SW-19 Foulby Chip Off the Old Block "Splinter" CACIB. Bäst i rasen drog Splinter längsta strået och fick BIR-rosetten medan Otto fick den grönvita BIM-rosetten. Grattis till ägaren Caroline och tack för att du visar honom!
I stora ringen blev Splinter utplockad som en av sex hundar i hennes grupp men tyvärr utan placering.
SE U(u)CH SW-19 Foulby Chip Off the Old Block "Splinter" - CACIB, BIR
Jocose Captain Obvious "Otto" - Cert, CACIB, BIM